Speech and Language Therapy - ONLINE THERAPY NOW AVAILABLE MARCH 2020
Speech and Language Therapy specialises in improving the abilities of those who difficulties with all aspects of communication, oral motor feeding issues and swallowing.
Communication difficulties can include:
Producing clear speech
Understanding and/or using language e.g. expressing themselves or following instructions
Listening and paying attention
Social skills
Reading and writing
The Speech and Language Therapist will also work on:
Promoting safe swallowing
Strengthening and improving the oral-motor skills for eating
Increasing the oral intake of those with a restricted diet or are fussy eating.
At Evolve we work with children with a variety of diagnoses including:
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Cerebral Palsy
Cleft/Lip and Palate
Language delay
Speech delay/disorder.
We strive to implement individualised therapy that is evidence-based and will facilitate the child reaching their optimum potential.